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Everything you need
All the materials you need for your greenhouse are delivered from stock. Contact us for materials that are not listed.
Pipe & Profile

All kinds of industrial pipes, industrial profiles, painted profiles, galvanized pipes and profiles, special length profiles, order production or delivery from ready stock.


Delivered by stock or from 6 and 7,5 meter length ready stock with 40 and 50 options. It's galvanized. It has 170 micron galvanized thickness.

L Profile

Clips angle ring L profile is galvanized and has the height of 6 and 7.5 meters. It is available in special 3 meter length for cargo. Available in stock or on order. It has 170 micron galvanized thickness.

U Profile

Clips U profile is galvanized and has the height of 6 and 7.5 meters. It is available in special 3 meter length for cargo. Available in stock or on order. It has 170 micron galvanized thickness.

Edge Clips

Edge clip is galvanized and has the height of 6 and 7.5 meters. It is available in special 3 meter length for cargo. Available in stock or on order. It has 170 micron galvanized thickness.

30 Clips Profile

30 Clips profile is galvanized and has the height of 6 and 7.5 meters. It is available in special 3 meter length for cargo. Available in stock or on order. It has 170 micron galvanized thickness.

45 Clips Profil

45 Clips profile is galvanized and has the height of 6 and 7.5 meters. It is available in special 3 meter length for cargo. Available in stock or on order. It has 170 micron galvanized thickness.

Viol Profile

Viol profile is galvanized and has the height of 4.3 and 8.6 meters. Available in stock or on order. It has 170 micron galvanized thickness.

PE Film

12, 24 and 36 months, domestic and imported greenhouse PE films. It is cut in the desired width and height. UV EVA ANTIFOG IR ANTIDRIP ANTIMIST ANTIDUST additive covers are delivered from stock.

Mulch Nylon

Mulch nylıns with the width of 1-1,2-1,4-1,5-1,8 meters and lenght of 400, 1,000 and 1,500 meters,  one-year (domestic) and perennial (imported). Delivery from stock

Cover Clip

Collar Clips (21,27,34,42) Tartes clips (8mm), A group clips, Richel clips are delivered from stock in 3 meters length.

Ground Cover

Black and white options with 3 meters width (in the ordered widht) UV added, long life imported and domestic ground cover.


0,55 kW, 380V, 55 Hz window reducer. 2 year warranty, domestic goods. It opens a window with average 80 meters. Grammaire sets are also available.

Small Reducer

120 meters lifting 160 meters winding length, 120W, 24V DC, self-limited (with switch) electric winding reducer. Imported. Question the stock status.

Winding Arm

Sarma redüktör, devir 4:1, sarma uzunluğu 80 metre, sarma redüktörü elle kuvvet alır. Elektrik ihtiyacı olmaz.

Rack Gear

Single gear, double gear, 120 cm and 150 cm in length, pion is attached. Please contact for ordering.

Plant Sling

3mm in diameter, galvanized (stainless) covered, plant sling which is resistant to tunnel lenght of 240 meters .

Polyester Wire

Lightweight, easy-to-mount polyester wire with a length of 2,200 meters and a diameter of 1.8 meters and resistant to tunnel lenght of 240 meters. Delivered from stock.

Plant Clip

23 and 25 mm in diameter, plant clip. There are 10,000 in the box. Delivered from stock.

Boom Nozzle

Boom irrigation nozzles. Please contact us for liter and pressure groups.

Bizi Takip Edin

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